We live in a digital age and if you are like me, paper is only used when it is absolutely unavoidable. If you have a tablet PC, signing your name to attach it to a document may be one less thing you will need a physical sheet of paper for.
The WPF ink control can be put into your XAML to collect stylus strokes as a collection of geometry points. Of course, as the stylus moves, the movements are also shown on screen.
The following code snipit will get you all of the binary numbers from zero to fifteen:
This code uses a string to set the initial folder of an OpenFileDialog.
If you need to find the Monday of a given week or a Friday of a given week, this is the solution for you:
If you are looking for the Monday that starts a work week and/or the Friday that ends the work week, this is how you do it in SQL:
This Microsoft SQL script figures out what the last day of the month is (28, 30, or 31) so that you don't have to recite the "30 days has September, April, May, and November..." poem or do the "knuckle trick."
There are several parameters that can be passed in to the SRS Report viewer through query string parameters. Some of them are listed below:
Change the way it is rendered:
rs:Command=Render& (4 types of re:Commands)
Pass in parameter values:
Control the type of output:
Control what toolbar(s) show in the viewer:
This class uses an ODBC connection to create an Microsoft Excel Workbook from the results of a Microsoft SQL query.
There are some instances where you may need your dll to have its own .config file. Of course, the .NET framework only uses a config file for the executing assembly (exe's) and not satalite assmeblies (dll's). Here is a class that can be used to read an XML file that follows the .config file schema: