.NET Class to Export Query Results to Microsoft Excel

This class uses an ODBC connection to create an Microsoft Excel Workbook from the results of a Microsoft SQL query.

 /// Export data to an excel workbook
 /// The example below creates an excel workbook with a single worksheet containing information from the Northwind sample database.
 /// string file = "C:\\workbook.xls";
 /// string sql = "SELECT * FROM Customers";
 /// string dbConn = "server=(local);database=Northwind;uid=sa;password=;";
 /// Excel ex = new Excel(file, sql, dbConn);
 /// ex.WorksheetName = "Customers";
 /// ex.Export();
 public class Excel
  private string _WorkbookPath, _ExcelConnString, _Worksheet, _SqlQuery, _SqlConnection;
  private SortedList _types;

  /// The name of the worksheet to export data to within the Excel workbook.
  public string WorksheetName
    if (_Worksheet == null) _Worksheet = "Export";
    return _Worksheet;
   set { _Worksheet = value; }

  /// Create a new instance of the Excel class
  /// The full-physical path (including the file name) of the excel workbook to export to
  /// The command text / query that retrieves data from the sql server
  /// The connection string to the sql database used to run the query
  public Excel(string workbookPath, string query, string sqlConnection)
   this._WorkbookPath = workbookPath;
   this._SqlQuery = query;
   this._SqlConnection = sqlConnection;
   if (File.Exists(workbookPath))
    _ExcelConnString = "Driver={Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls)};READONLY=FALSE;DBQ=" + workbookPath;
    _ExcelConnString = "Driver={Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls)};READONLY=FALSE;CREATE_DB=\"" + workbookPath + "\";DBQ=" + workbookPath;

   this._types = new SortedList(128);
   this._types.Add("System.Boolean", "TEXT");
   this._types.Add("System.DateTime", "DATE");
   this._types.Add("System.Decimal", "NUMBER");
   this._types.Add("System.Double", "NUMBER");
   this._types.Add("System.Guid", "TEXT");
   this._types.Add("System.Int64", "NUMBER");
   this._types.Add("System.Int32", "NUMBER");
   this._types.Add("System.Int16", "NUMBER");
   this._types.Add("System.String", "TEXT");

  /// Export the data defined in the constructor to the excel workbook specified
  /// True if export was succesfull; False otherwise
  public bool Export()
   bool returnVal = true, WorkbookExists = false;
   OdbcConnection conn = new OdbcConnection(this._ExcelConnString);
   SqlConnection SqlConn = new SqlConnection(this._SqlConnection);
   string sql = "", colList = "";
   DataSet ds = new DataSet();
   SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(this._SqlQuery, SqlConn);




   //check to see if the worksheet already exists
   sql = "SELECT * FROM [" + this.WorksheetName + "$]";
   OdbcCommand comm = new OdbcCommand(sql, conn);

    //this will error out if the table doesn't exist
    OdbcDataReader dr = comm.ExecuteReader();
    WorkbookExists = true;
    WorkbookExists = false;

   if (! WorkbookExists)
    //the worksheet doesn't exist, so create it
    sql = "CREATE TABLE " + this.WorksheetName + " (";
    colList = "(";

    //get a list of columns to create from the sql query
    foreach (DataColumn col in ds.Tables[0].Columns)
     string t = this._types[col.DataType.ToString()].ToString();

     sql += "[" + col.ColumnName + "] " + ((t == null || t == string.Empty) ? "TEXT" : t) + ", ";
     colList += col.ColumnName + ", ";

    //remove the last comma from the column lists and close the parenthesis
    sql = sql.Remove(sql.LastIndexOf(", "), 2) + ")";
    colList = colList.Remove(colList.LastIndexOf(", "), 2) + ")";

    //execute the create table command
    comm.CommandText = sql;

    //iterate through the sql query and insert each row into the excel worksheet
    foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
     sql = "INSERT INTO " + this.WorksheetName + " " + colList + " VALUES (";
     for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Columns.Count; i++)
      //iterate through each column in the row and get the value
      sql += "'" + row[i].ToString().Replace("'", "''") + "', ";
     sql = sql.Remove(sql.LastIndexOf(", "), 2) + ")";

     //execute the insert command
     comm.CommandText = sql;

    //the worksheet does exist, so change the worksheet name to be unique
    this.WorksheetName = this.WorksheetName + "_1";
    returnVal = Export();
    //throw new Exception("The worksheet name specified already exists in the specified workbook.");



   return returnVal;